Keep up to date with the latest news for Ponte Carlo City with our news posts. We try to post semi-regularly with any updates we are making to the server, this could include hardware changes, software changes, hosting changes or a number of other changes that relate to more in-game aspects such as maps/MLOs, weapons, PEDs/skins, vehicles, available "jobs" and many more.
We also post, I'd say consistently - weekly, in our "✨-updates-and-releases" channel inside our discord with updates that come from various staff members to do with either "Player Admin" or from "Dev Team". One thing to bear in mind is, when we release an update with a new feature, we aren't likely to tell you what it is, where to find it or how to complete it. We will leave a trail of breadcrumbs for you to follow but we very much lead with "find out in RP" when it comes to completing new features added to the city.